Coronavirus has affected several aspects of life. The educational aspect of all student’s lives has been seriously hit the most. Educational institutions have shut down as one of the precautionary protocols to help fight the virus.
This pandemic has disrupted both the academic calendar and extracurricular activities of my school. My school had a scheduled program for athletics, entertainment, and educational debates. Unfortunately, they’ve all been canceled to avoid the spread of Coronavirus. These extracurricular activities are important! They help us to socialize with friends. These programs help others to develop their hidden talents. We’ve been hugely affected by this loss, by this pandemic.

Ordinarily, I make time to visit my friends. I enjoy engaging with my peers, I play football and even go to cinemas but we’ve been unable to during this pandemic. The fear that comes with the pandemic alone, disrupted these daily routines and my social life.
In the first week of the lockdown, I felt the anxiety of the situation. It affected my thoughts about the world. I felt everything was crashing at one point. I began developing some wild thoughts about how this pandemic can be fought. These imaginary thoughts were accompanied by fear. I have canceled my training sessions with friends. I used to play soccer in the community field. I have canceled it as well. I’m obeying all the necessary precautionary measures to ensure I don’t get infected with the virus.
Thankfully, my family has not had any cases. We wash our hands regularly. We respect and practice all the necessary precautionary measures. We’ve limited our movements. We’re practicing social distancing. We’ve reduced the number of times we go shopping, to the library and even taking strolls. We spend more time together at home. We sit and discuss ourselves to enable us to avoid boredom. We’ve also cultivated a habit of eating a lot of fruits. Per the world health organization protocols, eating fruits help in boosting one’s immune system. Therefore, we’ve been eating healthy meals to develop a good immune system. We’re aware the virus has no cure yet, so we always try our best to stay disinfected. We hope things bounce back to normal. We hope and wish this pandemic comes to an end sooner so that we can restore our usual life activities and make our lives even better.